“There is no greater hell than to be a prisoner of fear” Ben Johnson Me: what is your biggest fear? Her: Love Me: Love? Her: To love and leave this world without the faintest idea of what it means to be loved back Me: why do you even think that? Her: … Me: … Her: my heart is broken in ways I can’t even describe... all I have left are pieces, shards of me I hold onto dearly, too sharp for me to put back together on my own... I still live for the day someone will preserve them, will hold what is left of me and make me whole again. But deep down I fear that day will never come, I am broken in ways that will require a still-beating heart to restore… cause mine is long gone… But in this self absorbed world, I’m just a fool waiting… “Too much darkness will destroy you but too much light will blind you... For now I prefer to find solace in the shade” Prisoners To Fear She had the purest of hearts, love that was showered on her when she was...