Self love

I am darkness and I am shame, just as I am proud, as much a rose as I am a thorn- a black rose, but a Rose nonetheless” Sarah Doughty A Self Love Journey ‘The lesson that must be experienced to be learned’ I wouldn’t be who I am today without it…all of it…the horrific and the beautiful. I am ME, the sum of all I have experienced… this is not a pity party so don’t get it twisted I hated myself We are all born different… I know I was...your ordinary girl? No I was not; I was a little chubby (who am I kidding, I was called fat), I had an ‘okay’ body, not your usual cheerful kid; I loved to be alone, snobbish, hated bright colors…let’s just say I was weird and not what society considered as ‘normal’. Though you can say I was beautiful… but what is beauty if you feel insecure inside? My peers were all cheerful; they could socialize with people, always bright and at the fore front of everything… But I always hid at the back of class, at the back of the line, locked up in a room...