Last Breath

"These wounds won’t seem to heal, this pain is just too real, there’s just too much that time cannot erase… I have tried so hard to tell myself you are gone, but though you are still with me, I have been alone all along" “ My immortal” by evanescence MY BEAUTIFUL PAIN “I looked at her beautiful face... She smiled, never saying anything and with not even a whisper, not even a word, she was gone” I live to see her face at night… I anticipate; I get to see her smile at me once again. The nightmare I love to have… her face haunts my once pleasant dreams and her voice in my head has chased away all the sanity in me” My beautiful Nightmare. She left me… My mother was gone, she was supposed to be my immortal, she was too perfect, how do I stop feeling this pain, where do I go from here. I’m only a teenage girl in a world of temptations, how do I take care of myself…having never experienced this in my life, I was lost and till today I am still lost. At 16, I’m...